by QPS | Apr 18, 2019 | English Language Arts, Reading, Reading comprehension, School News, Social Action, Thinking Skills
Welcome to QPS’s mini screed re: the value of reading aloud to our students during school time and having them read aloud to us. Oh, and begging parents to do the same at home. Even when your kids already can read. There’s lots out there on the benefits of reading...
by QPS | Feb 11, 2019 | Communication Skills, English Language Arts, Executive function, Reading, School Events, School News
Last Friday, Queens Paideia was overcome by Harry Potter fever. It’s a simple idea: run the day around HP-themed activities, tell the kids (and the staff) that they can wear costumes, and the rest is magic. So simple, so much fun, the kids will never forget it....
by QPS | Nov 28, 2018 | Direct Instruction, English Language Arts, Reading, School News, Science of Learning, Skill Building
Yesterday, Iowa Reading Research Center posted a very good blog article by Anna Gibbs, M.S., Deborah K. Reed, PhD, and Leah Zimmermann, M.Ed., on the necessity of including phonics in reading instruction because “understanding of how language sounds are...
by QPS | Oct 29, 2018 | Direct Instruction, English Language Arts, Reading, Reading comprehension, School News, Science of Learning, Technology in Education and Personalized Learning
Tucked inside this week’s New York Times Sunday Review is a gem entitled, “Why Are We Still Teaching Reading the Wrong Way.” We cannot recommend it highly enough because Emily Hanford incisively diagnoses multiple common problems with current...
by QPS | Mar 7, 2018 | Communication Skills, English Language Arts, Media, Project-based learning, School News
As a way of practicing comprehension, writing, presentation, and other communication skills, one of Queens Paideia School’s collaborative groups did a unit on Fractured Fairy Tales. If you don’t know what those are, you should! Per Marilyn Kinsella, a...